The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Brooklyn is saying so many cute and funny things right now that I'm going to try to remember to record them here.  I know there are more, but these are my favorites right now:

peanut butter sandwich = pinky butter sammich
battery = bah-no-nee
fix it = braxe it (with a long "a" breaks)

So...when something is "so broken," we need a bah-no-nee to braxe it (probably sounds a little confusing to the outsider...took me a minute to figure out her lingo).  And NO MATTER who fixes "it," the credit always goes to Daddy.

Also, we are at the stage of very innocently saying inappropriate things.  Today at Chickfila:
1.  Opened door to play area to loudly point out to me the boys in their that were making "bad, bad choices and needed a spankin'"...fabulous
2.  Pointed a little girls face (whose mother was sitting about 2 feet away) and said, "Mommy, her face is so messy."
3.  Another little girl hurt her knee (and by hurt I mean slightly bumped her knee on something) and went crying to her mom.  Her mom kissed it and convinced her she was okay only to have B go point to her knee and say, "Mommy, knee is so ouchy."  The little girl started crying again and went back to her mom.  Sorry!!

And notice that EVERYTHING is "so" ouchy, so messy, so broken...I LOVE it!

Here is a little sample of her talking and I wrote down the parts I could understand.
diamond, lamb, swing-swing (for the broom...means sweep, sweep), star, sock-in, truck-in (sometimes we randomly add in to our words), turtle, tiger, pumpkin, sticky-sticky (picture of a volcano), umbrella, bicycle (pronounced bi-sa-cycle), so funny, hand, color-color, boat...the end

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