The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Monday, October 10, 2011

My "Fair" Ladies

Our Trip to the Texas State Fair
(Note - Chandler's first Fair Experience EVER)
Man, this girl LOVES to pet some animals!
Notice that Eddie is keeping BOTH hands on her at all times.
Brooklyn has no healthy fear or respect for these animals...she tried to climb in with every animal and Eddie literally had to hold on with both hands to keep her out with B fighting it every step of the way.
A little scary...especially when it came to the longhorns!!

Chandler thought the animals were pretty cool, too, but just enjoyed them from her stroller.
Brooklyn was surprisingly big enough to ride a lot of the rides this year.
And, no surprise...
think her face says it all...
She LOVED them!!  I would even point to the biggest, fastest, scariest rides (that she was obviously way too little for) and would ask her if she wanted to go and her reply was always, "YES!!" with a huge smile and a giggle.  This whole thing was totally up her alley.
I decided to give Eddie a break and do this "ride" with Brooklyn.  It's the one with the mirror maze.  After about 1 whole minute of being inside and not making much progress I started to feel dizzy and nauseous.  I decided just to go back out, but couldn't do that either and started getting hot and sweaty and claustrophobic. 

 I flashed back to when I was young and couldn't get out then either.  I tried and tried and finally saw the way out and went running full speed ahead to my parents and siblings when WHAM...right into glass and fell all the way back on my bottom...completely stunned and with a HUGE knot on my forehead!!  And, when I looked up, EVERYONE in the WHOLE fair (this might be a slight exaggeration)was watching and laughing. Please remind me to NEVER do this ride again!!

 I finally found my way back to the front, Eddie went back in with her and they were able to finish the ride.
Chandler was pretty much just happy chill in her stroller the whole time because she was too little to be able to ride any of the rides...
or was she?
At last!!  There was a ride she could ride!  (I'm not going to lie, the bow and ponytail on top helped.)
Chandler did NOT share her sister's love for the ride.
And, although, I look like I'm having a blast,
I'm really just laughing about how miserable this ride is!!  It was very jerky and, well, just not fun!
After one last ride with B to redeem myself from the earlier failed attempt,
I did attempt to get them something yummy and fried because I feel that is what the Texas State Fair is known for, but they wouldn't touch it!  They just preferred the goldfish I had brought from home as their snack.

Overall, a very good time and looking forward to next year...without the scary mirror maze experience!!

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