The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blonde Dorothy and a Ferocious Lion!!

These pictures might be a little redundant, but I just couldn't get over how cute I thought they looked in their costumes!!  We had lots of opportunities to dress up this year. 

First, B had a dress up day at her school.
Then they had a dress up day at her dance class.
I didn't do a great job with her hair for school, but I figured it out the second time and it looked much better at dance.
I wanted to get a picture of Brooklyn and Kiaya at dance and Brooklyn insisted that Chandler be in the center of the picture...don't think Chandler loved it. =)

Then we got to dress up again for our carnival at was Chandler's turn to make her debut in her lion costume.
Brooklyn LOVED that Chandler dressed up, but Chandler didn't love her costume.  Notice her tear covered cheeks behind that smile.

At the carnival, everyone kept thinking Chandler was a boy, so we added a red bow for the costume party at the tennis club the following day.

And then, finally, we got all dressed up one more time on Halloween day.
Are these girls sweet or what?
Good times.
I'll leave you with one last picture of our ferocious little lion...

1 comment:

  1. So cute! and Great coordinating outfit idea ;)
