The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

8 Months Old!

Between Chandler's "grabbiness" and her constant desire to be on the move, she is no longer the perfect "photo shoot baby."  Don't get me wrong...this girl LOVES to smile, but these crib pics are starting to get a little tricky.
At 8 months of age, Chandler is sleeping from about 7:30 at night until about 6:30 in the morning and wakes up super-happy!  (I wish it was a little later, but we are getting there.)  She takes 2 regular naps and sometimes still squeezes in a 3rd one.  In the past couple of days, when she wakes up from her naps I don't hear any sound in the monitor, but walk in to find this.

She is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything, then often lets go and just stands on her own.  She has excellent balance, but has not figured out how to take a step yet.  (which is fine by me!!)  She has really started cruising, too!  She is very cautious, though.  Anytime she walks from 1 object to the next (like from her activity table to the couch or the couch to the wall), she pats and shakes it first to make sure that it is sturdy before she goes.  So smart!

Her two bottom teeth are in pretty far might can see them in the picture above and she is close to getting her 2 top teeth in as well.  One of them will probably poke through in the next day or 2.  Chandler seems HUGE to me, but is still wearing 6-9 month clothes, which are age appropriate and has just moved up to size 3 diapers.  I keep putting puffs on her tray, but she grabs it with her whole hand and hasn't quite figured out how to get them in her mouth.

We have been taking Chandler to the church nursery on Sundays.  A couple of Sundays ago when we dropped her off, the teacher said, "Oh, I know this baby, she's the one that smiles all the time."  This past Sunday, when we dropped her off, we heard one of the teachers tell another teacher in the room, "Oh, that's Chandler.  She's really easy."  When I go to pick her up after church, I can tell that she recognizes me because she starts jumping and giggling.

She is really starting to develop a since of humor and thinks that Brooklyn is hilarious.  I kind-of have to agree.  B is pretty funny!  Chandler is still really laid back and is becoming a little bit of a "mama's girl."  She is fine to let other people hold her, but she keeps her eyes on me.  Whenever I walk towards her, she almost always stops whatever she is doing and holds out her arms for me to hold her.  She is an absolute delight!!

Happy 8-month birthday, Chandler!!

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