The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yooooo Gabba Gabba!!

Brooklyn's best friends, Ava and Macy (twins), recently turned 3. To celebrate, they had a really cool birthday party at the Little Gym!  Here is the party crew!  (Notice Chandler being thrown in at the last minute on the side!  Brooklyn has the red bows in her hair.  Ava and Macy are the 2 in the middle with the blue and pink can see Macy's super-cute "3" shirt in the picture, too!!)

Oh how we miss the Little Gym!  It is one of the few places where B can run, jump, scream and climb with very few "no-no's."

Coach Eddie was teaching her how to hold her hands out to the sides for balance.  Walking down the beam and jumping off the end all by herself was probably her favorite part of the party...did this about 1,000 times.
For their birthday, Ava and Macy received Yo Gabba Gabba tickets from their parents and invited Brooklyn to tag along!  If you are not familiar with Yo Gabba Gabba, then you really probably can't appreciate this picture.

This little boy was dressed up like DJ Lance, one of the Yo Gabba Gabba characters, and it totally cracked me up so I HAD to get a picture!

 Here the girls are with Muno, one of the other characters on the show.
They gave each kid their own pair of DJ Lance glasses.  Here is Macy sporting hers. 
Eddie was initially a little reluctant to go to this "kid show," but agreed to do it for B and because his friend, Ben, would be there.  Little did he know that this would be where some of the coolest Dad's in Dallas would be hanging out!

Pictured above is Tyson Chandler!!
For those of you who don't know, he is an NBA player who is in the starting line-up for the Dallas Mavericks and is currently my favorite player because:
1.  HELLO!!  He has a cool name!
2.  He was really nice about me taking his picture with B not only once, but TWICE!
(After I took the first picture, I went back to my seat to admire it only to find that my memory was FULL and it didn't save...and, of course, B was happy and smiling in that one.)
3.  His talent is making a huge contribution to the Maverick line-up and I LOVE watching him play!
4.  I recently found out that he is personally sponsoring 3 families for Christmas and getting them whatever they want.  What a great guy!

Cool Dad #2:
OK, I didn't get permission on this one and obviously just took it without him knowing, but if you look behind Brooklyn just to the right you will see Jason Terry "The JET" looking at his cell phone!!
Non-NBA fans, Jason Terry is another star player for the Mavericks.

Oh yeah...and then there was the show!
For the first half, Brooklyn LOVED it!

Then they had an intermission and she started to get restless.  Because she had missed her nap to go to the show, she was too tired regroup, so shortly into the second half we had to leave.  =(

Even though we missed Biz's beat and Party in My Tummy, we still had a great time!  Thanks for inviting us, Ava and Macy, and Happy 3rd Birthdays!!

p.s. My neighbor and I bought our girls "Barney" tickets for the girls for Christmas and Eddie wanted NO PART of that.  After we got back from this and seeing how much Brooklyn enjoyed it, he said, "Now when do we get to go see Barney?"  Who would have ever thought that EDDIE NALLEY would be wanting to go see Barney?!!  So sweet!  But sorry, Eddie, we already bought the tickets!
(He probably was just hoping for more celebrity sightings anyway!)

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