The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

3 Months Old!

Who does she look like?  We have no idea!!  What do you think?
She's got blue eyes and a heart-shaped chin.
And cheeks that are impossible not to kiss!!
Her hair? 
Well, depending on the light might look brownish, redish or blond-ish.
It's a little thicker around the edges and a little thinner on top.

And then, she's got that classic completely bald spot on the back of her head from being on her back all of the time.  Let's just say, her hair is not her best feature right now.  =)

She's very alert these days and has really mastered holding her head up.
And she actually seems to like a little tummy time. (very un-like her sister!)

She's gotten pretty chatty and has a very loud voice!!
She's overall pretty happy and content, but her downside is that she doesn't like to nap!
She'll often do 7-8 hour stretches at night, but will often only take around 40 minute naps during the day.

She's very cuddly and ADORES Brooklyn!
She takes Brooklyn's rough hugs and firm kisses in stride and every once in a while, you'll catch her just staring at Brooklyn and smiling.

YEA 3 months!!

p.s.  She'll probably be rolling over soon...she's really starting to dig her heels into the floor and raise her body off the ground and even gets onto her side occasionally.


  1. such a sweet post - such a sweet baby! I need to hold her right now!!

  2. She is PRECIOUS!!! I love her! I still wish you lived by me so we could do playdates with Chandler too. And I love that flower outfit she is in in the first couple of pics.

    What a cutie! Keep up the good work, mama!
