The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gibson - 1 Month Old!

I'm 1-month-old!!
Check out those dimples!
In his first month, he's had his 1st (and only) bottle
He took to it right away!!
His umbilical cord FINALLY fell off after more than 3 weeks to reveal the cutest belly button you've ever seen in your life!
You can almost see his 2-pack in that picture!
(Nevermind the pink hearts on his diaper...that's what happens when you send Dad out for more  =))
And then he was FINALLY able to get his 1st real bath!
He looks like he's OK with his bath in this picture, but trust me...he HATES it.
The 2 things in life that make him mad are baths and diaper changes!
 Other than that, though, he's pretty chilled out!
Things he LOVES?
 Being swaddled,
and sleeping.
 (This was actually supposed to be tummy time.)

His routine has become pretty predictable.
He eats at:
7:30 am
7:30 pm 
10 pm
2 am and 
5 am
So he is waking twice in the night, but gives me at least one 4-hour stretch.
Between the 7 and 10pm feedings, he does NOT want to be put down so he snuggles with his Daddy while I pick up the house, pack lunches, etc.

 This is what they look like every night.  I think Eddie gets the good end of that deal!!
Gibson is in size 1 diapers.
He has a CRAZY startle relfex, has lost all of his hair just on the top of his head and is starting to hold his head up.
He's very cooperative!  
Me: Gibson, move your arms
G:  This way or this way?
Me:  Up
 Now straight down by your sides!
Make scary big eyes.
 Now wink.
And smile one more time for the camera
See what I mean?  
Absolute dream baby!!

Happy 1-month-birthday, Baby Gibson!!
We LOVE you!!

1 comment:

  1. He's precious, Stephanie! Love all of the pictures :o)
