The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monumental Day

Today 2 big things happened that probably aren't that big for anyone else on earth, but were HUGE for us here at the Nalley house!

1.  Brooklyn ate a quesadilla!!  Since Brooklyn was about a year old, she's refused to eat anything that would be considered substantial meal foods, except for chicken nuggets, Mac-n-cheese, and spaghetti Os   Last summer, I was really tough on her and FORCED her to try at least 1 bite of several different foods (they were just normal kid foods that most children will eat...nothing crazy like brussel sprouts or anything.)  There were many tears and it was such an ordeal, that after several months of zero basically progress, I gave up.  She did add PB&J and pizza to her diet, which were huge, but we haven't added anything else over the last 9 months until tonight!!  She ate a WHOLE quesadilla!!  Granted she was bribed with whatever she wanted, which was in this case pink ice cream, but still progress was made with NO TEARS on her part or exhaustion on mine and I'm on cloud nine!!

2.  Then to top it off, when we got home, Chandler requested to sit on the potty which is VERY common around our house.  What is NOT common is that she actually went!!  Not even 18-months-old and already success on the potty!!  (I thought this was a total fluke at the time, but I'm actually posting this a week late and she's had several more #1 successes and a #2 success as well.  She definitely "gets it", but I'm not sure I'm totally ready to start potty training another one =))

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