The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Monday, November 11, 2013

Chandler is 3!!

Chandler Alexis Nalley
Height:  39"...88th %
Weight:  31.2...60%
 She's got LONG, straight, light brown hair; AMAZING electric blue eyes; and cheeks for days.  
She's got the cutest little dimple high on her left cheekbone and her skin is as soft (if not softer) than a baby's.

Gibson...she is ALL about him!!
Color:  Pink
Clothing:  Long dresses, anything pink and/or sparkly
Food:  Mac N Cheese
Show:  Sophia the First
Things to Do:  getting her nails painted, dressing-up or watching TV
Word:  Princess 
(If Brooklyn and Chandler are starting to not get along, I'll tell them to say something nice to one another...Chandler is always first to speak and tells Brooklyn "Princess"'s the best word she can think of to say)
Chandler is the ultimate girly, girl.  She loves to pose and play with babies.  LIVES to have someone paint her nails, put make-up on her or braid her hair.  
She is SO SWEET and SO LOVING!  She gives lots of kisses and hugs.  She does not like to do things alone...always wants to play, eat, clean-up, etc with a friend.  

She LOVES to share.  Yes, you read that right.  She will often seek people out just because she LOVES to share.  It is very rare that someone will want something she has that she is not happy to give it to them.  It's not because she's a pushover.  God has just given her this AMAZING desire to share and it brings her great joy.
She has always and now still continues to act WAY older than she is.  This picture above was taken about a month after she turned 2 on her first day of school.  She found her name, stood in front of it, and posed for a picture.  
She can spell her name (out loud...cannot write it on paper).  Knows all of her letters and sounds and many of her numbers.  

She speaks in complete, complex sentences.  She talks, and talks and talks.  From the moment her eyes open in the morning, she is on.  And she doesn't stop talking until she talks herself to sleep at night.  And she has a HUGE lisp that I ADORE!
As I was jotting some things down about her, she came in and said, "Mom, can you put this in the refrigelator for  me please?"  Yes, a 5-syllable word is not uncommon for this child...and I didn't misspell that word.  =)
We are working on her manners.  If she tells me to do something for her, instead of asking and saying "please", I'll usually just give her a look that reminds her.  When she rephrases her request, her voice raises her voice 3 octaves and she makes it so sweet.  It's hilarious!  She is always VERY quick to apologize and ask for forgiveness...often before I can even finish my lecture or ask her to apologize.  
 It is also not uncommon for Chandler to fall asleep wherever she is when she is sleepy.  I don't take a picture everytime she does and obviously have way more than these that I'm not posting on this blog.
 I usually just take a pic to send to a friend just after we've left them because it is ASTONISHING to me how quickly she goes out.  She will have just been up giggling, dancing and playing.  Then we will hop in the car and won't even make it down the road before she is OUT!
 I rarely worry about Chan's napping schedule because I know that if she is really tired, she will GET the sleep that she needs whenever and however she needs to get it and can usually be moved from place to place while staying asleep.  
We drag her along to all of Brooklyn's activities and it blows my mind that she is always just perfect.
 She never runs away or gives us any trouble which I think is a lot to ask of little toddler.
 She is happy to have a snack, play with a toy or phone and cheer her sister on!
She is a BIG-TIME mommy's girl and a major hand-holder!  She loves playing pretend with her sister and ADORES her little brother.  
 She will just stare at him like she is in-love!  She loves to kiss him, feed him and bring him toys.  First thing in the morning, she always wants to share her prized posession, her bunny and her blanket with him.  
 She watches out for him to make sure he doesn't put small things in his mouth and is patient with him when he's pulling her hair or taking her toys...she just calls out for help from me.  Again, blows my mind that she doesn't retaliate or get upset with him.
If I'm making her sounds too perfect, she's not.  She does have a grumpy side.
The picture above was not staged.  She just got a little grumpy and didn't want to smile.
Sometimes when I ask her to clean-up or carry her dishes to the sink, she tells me her hands are too sleepy.  She'd like to be cooperative (and she does use that word a lot), but she just can't.
Because she acts so much older than she is, I've had to remind myself several times over the past year that she's just 2.  Usually the grumpy spells are short-lived and then she is back to our sweet little Chan-Chan!
And this sweet little Chan-Chan has her Daddy wrapped around her finger.  
He will paint her nails and SOMEHOW she convinces him to still give her treasure box for going potty when I'm not home.  Keep in mind, she has been potty-trained for a full year and NEVER gets treasure box when I'm home.  AND it kills him that she is still a "mommy's girl."  He tries so hard to be her #1 person!!!
Chandler is SUCH a doll that it's taken me a long time to get this post together.  I really wanted to do her justice!

Happy 3rd Birthday, sweet Chandler Alexis!  You are a TREASURE!

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