The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Monday, May 16, 2011

9 Months Old!

9 Months Old
Oh how I love this little munchkin!!

Ht:  28 inches, 65%
(although I watched them measure her and she was crooked, so I think she is actually a little taller than that)
Wt:  19 lbs, 1.5 oz, 60%
HC:  17, 25%

So she is more like a medium-size baby now with a small head.  (If they measured cheeks, though, I'm sure she'd be in the 90th%!!)

Chandler is at the age where she is crawling EVERYWHERE and getting into EVERYTHING!! 
She LOVES to empty out some cabinets!

I took this next picture 4 times...everytime the flash made her blink and she was smiling in everyone of them.
So proud of herself!

At 9 months Chandler:
has just started to be able to feed herself finger foods
gives high five
is VERY ticklish
has taken up to 8 steps all by herself
has 3 teeth (and almost 1 more on the top)
says da-da, ma-ma, ba-ba, uh-oh and grrrrrrr
She has been able to pull up in her crib now for sometime now, but only recently has it become a problem. She feels like it her job as a baby to stand in the crib, even if she is crazy exhausted! The other day I let her cry it out, then went in to find her like this:

She has also had her first encounter with a swimming pool.  We were at a cook-out at a house with a pool.  I didn't bring her suit, but told Eddie just to put her feet in.  She HATED it! 
Probably my very FAVORITE thing about Chandler right now is that she is a LAP BABY!!
If you are outside, she will just sit in your lap FOREVER without arching her back or trying to get down.  So snuggly and FABULOUS!!


  1. She can WALK?! Are you serious? Why are your baby's always so advanced? Mill didn't walk until 14 months. And now his proudest accomplishment...peeing in cups.

  2. She takes steps...don't know that I would call it walking quite yet. AND B was ONLY early on walking. Miller could talk circles around her (if that were possible).
