Gibson's First Bithday Party
Since Gibson's birthday is during football season, we decided to take advantage and do an outside Razorback themed tailgate birthday party! And for us professional tailgaters, this was a fun and easy party to put together.
And I LOVE how it all turned out. All of the food/drinks were Razorback themed...i.e. "Bacon" cheeseburgers, "Hog Wild" red koolaid, Hot Dogs, etc.
My precious, 9-year-old niece Lawson (who was probably the MOST excited about this party) called me the week before to see if she could make these Razorback-shaped jello jigglers for the party.

It wouldn't be a tailgate without our Razorback tent (even though the backyard was shady and it was pretty unneccessary)
Inside gift table that looked cuter in life and with better lining.
We had it the day after Thanksgiving at my Mom's house so that everyone would already be in town (or at least a shorter drive away).
Of course, Mom and Dad pulled out there bounce house that makes any party more festive.
And Gi-Gie and Big Bird drove down and of course, wore there Razorback attire.
(On a Razorback game day, this is there usual attire anyway.)
A friendly Game of Baggo
And a prayer before it was time to "Pig Out"!"
We all sported these cute Razorback tatoos on our faces...some in support of the Razorbacks who were playing LSU a little later that day...but some just in support of Baby G even though they had no Hog love or even an interest in sports whatsoever! (Thanks for playing along, Aunt Val!)
Despite the 100 food options, Gibson was having none of I made him his favorite...a good old-fashioned PB&J. Doesn't that face say it all? MMMMM...
I just LOVE what great sports everyone was to come out in their FABULOUS Razorback Red!!
It was a cold after lunch, we took a break and came in to sit by Doo Dad's warm fire and open presents.
I'm really distrubed that I may not have gotten any pics of his customized shirt?!?
His Aunt Ashley made it for him. It had his name and a Razorback on the front and a #1 on the back. You can kinda see the number one here.
It was colder than I was expecting, so he mostly wore a Razorback jacket all day that kept the shirt covered. At least the jacket was super-cute and appropriate!
Then back outside for the cake!
I had intentionally not given him any cake in his life because I was saving it for this occasion AND...
Gibson did NOT like his cake! This was a first for me! =(
Gibson did NOT like his cake! This was a first for me! =(
And the men followed Gibson's lead!
Happy 1st Gibson!
Thank you everyone for celebrating with us!!