The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Baby #3 Has a Name!!

And it is...


Eddie really didn't have much to offer when it came to names on the first 2.  He was just fine with whatever I picked out.  Recently, when we were traveling, I mentioned that I had been looking at street signs and billboards and just whatever I saw to help pass the time and look for inspiration for a baby name.  So Eddie started doing the same thing and saw a street sign that said "Gibson."  He thought that was really cool because my maiden name is Gibbs so it would kind-of be a family name.  His middle name, Palmer, is a family name (his mother's maiden name) and we pretty much knew that that would be the middle name.  And when we put it with sounded perfect!
So that is the story of his name!

This landed on our doorstep the other day from this sweet, thoughtful new friend of mine and totally blessed my heart!  How cute is this?!?

Baby Gibson's first belonging ever!!

I'm 22 weeks now and everything is going great!  I had a Dr's appt on Monday and the heart rate is in the 140's.  They pretty much just listened to the heartbeat and told me what to expect for the next will be sweet, syrupy glucose drink time!

I took B & C with me because:
a.  I hate to get a sitter when I'm only going to be at the Dr's office for 15 minutes
b.  I thought they might think it was neat to hear their brother's heartbeat
c.  I knew it would be super-quick, so even if they were awful, I could manage

Brooklyn was so excited she COULDN'T wait...UNTIL they put the blue jelly on my belly.  She went from smiling to looking really sick and grasping her own belly.  She was totally freaked out!  She heard it, but was more traumatized by the "blue" than she was interested in the heartbeat.  That's all she talked about the rest of the day.  Chandler was way more into it than I expected.  She said "I hear the heartbeat!!  I like it!!"  (She's not even 2 yet and she says things like that!!  Blows me away!)  Chandler also asked the nurse what she was doing when she took my blood pressure and repeated the words "blood pressure cuff" after the nurse told her.  Such a mouthful for a 23-month-old, but she said it very clearly.  She is such a sponge!

Now that the name is decided, time to get to work on the nursery!! Love that decisions are being made!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THE NAME!! So sweet and perfect!! Welcome to boy mommy hood. It's definitely...interesting!! haha.

    Totally cracking up about her freaking out about the gel! Classic.
