The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bonding with Aunt Babs

Eddie's sister, Elisabeth (a.k.a Babs), came to visit us over the weekend!
She hadn't seen Chandler like 4 months which is an eternity in the first year of a baby's life!
They hit it off immediately!
It didn't take Brooklyn very long to warm up to her either!
The first night, they danced to American Idol out on the patio and read some books in the playroom.

Then, the next morning, the girls went in to visit her bright and early.  =)
Good Morning, Aunt Babs!!

Aunt Babs just THOUGHT she was going to be able to sleep in on her day off. =)
Sorry, Liz!!

Better than an alarm clock, though...right?

The ONLY picture we were able to get with Babs and BOTH of the girls together...

Right.  Have I mentioned the jealousy???
She is taking the foam piece from Chandler even though she has like 30!  Aunt Babs is refereeing.

Then, that night, we took her to The Harbor.  Where ELSE would we take her? 
I forgot my camera, but she got these sweet pictures...

And my favorite...

(B had soccer before we went out to eat which is why she is in the blue soccer jersey)
She flew out the next morning...such a quick trip!

And Brooklyn was so worn out from all of the weekend excitement that she fell asleep in the car on the way home from the airport!!  (which if you know B, you know that is a real rarity!!) 

Thanks for coming to visit us, Aunt Babs!!

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