The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Little Gym

Yesterday was the last class of the semester for Little Gym and maybe the last class forever because they informed us that it is CLOSING!!  I can't tell you how sad I am about this because Brooklyn LOVES it and it is something FUN we can do INSIDE when it's blistering hot outside in the summer.  Oh well.  We had a really good time.
(Brooklyn is the one NOT holding her mother's hand...the one in the black leotard.)

She was a-swinging!  (Isn't that a song or something?)

(She's gotten really good at jumping, but I couldn't quite catch her in the air.)

And here she is getting a medal for being the best gymnast in class!!

Or...maybe they just gave those out to all of the kiddos in class.

And one last hug for our teacher, Ms. Jessica, who we will miss very much!
(So...we got her number and may use her for babysitting in the near future!!)

Good-bye Little Gym!!

p.s.  I had a doctor's appointment today and Chandler's heartrate was 142, which is good!  Today was the day that I had to drink that super-sugary drink so that they could draw blood to make sure I don't have pregnancy induced diabetes.  Well, the sugary drink made Chandler CRAZY!  They had a hard time getting her to be still enough to even get the heartbeat.  She measured 28 weeks and that is exactly what I am, so we are right on track. 


  1. You should buy the Little Gym! The one in Southlake closed right after Hailey Grace's 1st birthday party and we almost bought it!!

  2. I love how her diaper sticks out of her little leotard! So cute! See, I am a mom of boys, so I don't know about these things.

    Little Gym looks so cool, I need to take Miller. Unless it's a girl thing?

  3. Whitney, that's funny you said that because we seriously talked about it Tuesday night after we learned the news!

    Leslie, you should DEFINITELY enroll Miller. We used to go to the one in Rogers and it is new and clean and we really liked the teacher there. Both of the classes we've been in have been about half and half with boys and girls. Brooklyn has learned so much by just watching other kids and doing what they do (except for staying in my lap and holding my hand during warm-up time). They are also more than happy to let you do a free trial class. We had new parents in our class doing that all of the time and that is actually how we got started. I think ya'll would LOVE it!!
