The Nalley Family

The Nalley Family
Eddie, Stephanie, Brooklyn, Chandler and Gibson

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fat Lip

Brooklyn busted her lip on the concrete yesterday while we were playing outside.  OUCH!  I'm not sure you can tell how absolutely ENORMOUS it was in the pictures.
My friend, Stephanie Stewart, taught her to say "cheese" while she was in town, so hopefully we can get more smiley pictures like this one in the future (minus the mouth full of graham cracker).

Also, in recent Brooklyn news, she climbed out of her crib yesterday for the first time!!  OH NO!!  I'm so NOT ready for this.  We have a babysitter that watches her for 2 hours on Mondays and she puts her down for her naps.  After she puts her in her crib, she continues to keep an eye on her via this cool video monitor that Eddie's parents got for her.  Well, she happened to glance at the monitor and noticed the crib was EMPTY!!  When she went back to her room she said B was sitting in the floor playing with her sound machine and was OH SO DELIGHTED with herself on her most recent accomplishment.  She put her back in her crib and B went to sleep without further incident.  She never heard any crying so thank goodness Brooklyn didn't get hurt, but now I'm trying to rethink my plans about Brooklyn's bed, new baby's crib, etc.  Ugh!  Just when I thought I had it all figured out!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you just tell her she looks like Angelina Jolie now with her full pouty lips.

    Oh no! I can't believe she crawled out. What to do when you can't keep them behind bars anymore?!
